11 Oct, 2008
18 Oct, 2008
11 October, 2008

Web 2.0 Development

Agile web development with Ruby and Rails (Time: 09:00-12:00)

by Mr. Charles Woo


Ruby and Ruby on Rails (RoR) are the new force of the web2.0 world. Many popular web 2.0 internet sites in the world are powered by Ruby on Rails since 2004. Rails speeds development of web applications through the Model-View-Controller design pattern. They provide a lot of web frameworks that could let the developers concentrate on the business layer. This workshop features many demonstrations on Ruby on Rails. Attendees will learn some aspects of core Rails development. They will learn best practices and proper coding habits which can help them to build their own application faster.

Intended Audience:

Web developers and designers,
  • Any individual interested in Web2.0 technology

Open Source Backbone for Web 2.0
(Featuring GlassFish, MySQL & Open Solaris) (Time:14:00-17:00)

by Mr. Mickey Fan


Sun has always believed in the power of collaboration and sharing. Not only do we contribute software to the open source community, we also help packaging and promoting open source in business. The open source model offers an entirely new way for developers and increasingly knowledgeable, interactive users to collaborate and build upon the best of the commons We believe that this is one of the foundation for Web 2.0. The speaker will share with you open source adopting for web 2.0 especially focused on several open source projects, namely, GlassFish, MySQL and OpenSolaris.

Intended Audience:

Web developers and designers,
  • Any individual interested in Web2.0 technology

18 October, 2008

3D social network

3D social network (Time: 09:00-12:00)

by Mr. Simon Newstead


The Internet and social networks in particular are on the verge of the next great wave of innovation and opportunity. One major new trend emerging is integration of 3D gaming technology together with social networks. 2007 has seen a huge number of innovative new hardware and software from the Wii to Crysis, nearly all with strong online components. On the social networking side we saw the continued growth of MySpace, Facebook and many local and regional players in Asia Pacific such as Xiaonei.

Intended Audience:

Business strategists, Technology strategists, IT managers, Developers, Entrepreneurs creating new services, media, web designers, and any individual interested in the technique.

Web 2.0 for Our Better Life Style: Travelling 2.0 (Time:14:00-17:00)

by Mr. Ric Yik


Web 2.0 is a big phenomenon for everyone, especially for the travelers without boundaries. In this workshop, Ric Yik, Senior Consultant of SBM Consulting Company, demonstrates how Web 2.0 enables a new way of planning and sharing traveling knowledge and memories using the Social Networks and other Web 2.0 technologies. He will share with the participants latest development techniques and best practices in implementing Web 2.0 application.

Intended Audience:

Web developers and designers,
  • Any individual interested in Web2.0 technology