Free Registration

Conference Programme Committee

  • Dr. Hareton Leung, Chair
  • Mr. Albert Chung, Sun Wah-PearL Linux Training and Development Centre
  • Mr. Chris Jiang, International Institute for Outsourcing Management China Ltd
  • Mr. William Kwan, Quality Management Special Interest Division, HKCS
  • Mr. Benedict Lam, Project Management Specialist Group, HKCS
  • Mr. Lawrence Lo, Hong Kong Software Process Improvement Network
  • Ms. Lucy Liao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Mr. Matthew Lui, KDware
  • Ms. Yvette Lui, Hong Kong Computer Society
  • Mr. Charles Mok, Chairman, Internet Society
  • Dr. Tam Shu Ming, C London 2000 Limited
  • Dr. Tiffany Tang, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    Conference Secretariat

    Dr. Tiffany Tang
    Tel: 2766 7322
    Fax: 2170 0142
    Address: Room QT404,
    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong